Monday, December 20, 2010


Hey people my life is so hectic with all school and stuff. But here goes everything i have to say.
1. I have been to 3 productions of stuff. (1. dance at Lincoln center-amazing, 2. Red shoes in dumbo (down under the Brooklyn bridge) at Saint Ann's wear house-weird, 3 last night a drum and dance thing at the New Victory Theater which was really Good.
2. I have settled in to my school and house.
3. I have been going to museums. I am right about to go to one.
4. In 2 days i will be traveling to the Caribbean
5. I have gotten glasses.
What no lame boringness same old same old but it is fun.
6. have retainers.
That is all i can think of. I have just been really busy. Doing my thing i will try and post More often because i have a little more time you Know.
I am 1/3 the way into my 3 trimester which is good. I have been getting up at 6:45 so I have been so very tired. I got a news snow globe and i know somebody who collects them too which is funny. I have met the guy who plays Elmo. The thanksgiving day parade was so col. And that is about it in my life.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


My life has been so busy. I just have very little time to post with all the studying and projects to do. I haven't really been doing that much I'm going somewhere with some people....uhhh...ummmm. so yah thats really what i have been doing just settling down. OH! So these people come to deliver a new oven because the one here is old. They brake the glass on the oven. I wasn't there but my brother was. Which leads us to the fact that my brother lives with us now and me and my sis share a room.

Monday, September 27, 2010


This weekend (drum roll please!) I moved to a new house on 49 west 70Th. I have one that is 2 times the size of the old one. My stuff comes next week and I'm still sleeping one a couch in my room. Also went to dorr for a picnic to meet people and other lame stuff.

Busy As a bee

Sorry I have not posted in while. I have been really busy with school work and getting in to a flow. I like my school it's a lot different than in Seattle and I really I'm loving the experience. I have played field hockey with a gross mouth guard. I will be starting volleyball soon. I like my teachers. I still bring my lunch even though everybody buys I do buy once week b/c the food isn't all that gross. I had a free today and had gummy worms.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Now for the thing you all have been waiting for...................... (maybe you weren't that's okay too) SCHOOL. I got on the bus yes i do ride he bus. i got to school follow every one to the place we are meeting see a few people i know talk to them about weird piercings. Then i sit down and listen to the start of the school assembly. Next i meet with my homeroom and get the planner locker tour all that stuff. After that i go to another assembly for 6Th grade. I then eat lunch. Then i do to dance hear about that. Next I go to P. E. And get a locker. ( middle one and my main one is top.) and her about that . Next is science and then math. Then get on the bus and go home.

the weekend

SO most of you want to know all about my first day at my school well I'm not going to for....well until i make the next post. Anyway The last weekend in the summer (for me not for people in Seattle) is three days long. We went to the Jersey shore. Now you probably asking the screen on your computer (BTW it doesn't talk) "what about hurricane Earl?" ( for those who weren't asking that i was answering it for the people who are.) Well you see (you probably don't so just stick with me here.) It missed us there were just larger waves but it was a lot of fun. my Mom did get sick though. I still had loads of fun. Anyway that's was my weekend

Friday, September 3, 2010


So back to Monday night my sister came back from camp. Monday she slept till noon and then we walked up to the museum of natural history. then we walked back to whole foods. (which by the way is not nearly as nice as the Bellevue one.) Tuesday we lounge didn't do much. Wednesday we went and measured our new apartment and then I was really missing all of you people back in Seattle. Thursday well nothing much but i toke a math test in the morning as a placement test and went to library. I got the book Flush by the same person who wrote Scat and Hoot and it was really good One of my friends in Seattle told me to read it and know i have listened and enjoyed. Any way now for the funny part on nigh a sat on my parents bed the Wednesday and it collapsed its old and stuff so i was shocked and in the end my dad duct taped it back together and the are getting a new bed. (and this has been happening all Summer to them so it's not like I'm fat the bed is just old.)
That's all the news except the lease was signed. i would post pictures just you can't put them on this computer but i think i can get some in the next month.

Monday, August 30, 2010

One week until school

O MY GOSH YOU HAVE NOT IDEA WHAT HAS HAPPENED..... WE FOUND SOME WHERE TO LIVE!!! I will have a really big bed room and its really cool we won't have a doorman its not a big ugly building we will live on the the 4 Th floor ( the top) MY parents are going back soon to get stuff for the move. (this happened like a week ago) Y camp has finished so I'm at home with my dad. This weekend i was learning to ride a bike and we went to the seaside. I had tons of fun.H

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Went to Connecticut with my school. It was really fun. I did this: Boats, making rafts, ropes courses, swimming treasure hunt, free time, learned about the first day school. I met my homeroom, teacher and meteor. Main event: rafting Ours was the only on to fail but we had fun (the most) we named ours T. C. F. B. stands for To Cool For Barrels. Ours fell off so we ditched them. Meals were every funny and there was a big joke b/c we split something water, bug juice, milk or orange juice. It was funny. Our house still hasn't sold so we need to rent. We are looking at some today.

Monday, August 16, 2010


YO! I went to the Hampton's with my mom and dad. One day I dug a hoe so deep it came to my chin and was so long I could lay down in it. The other day it was not so nice and we went to a better beach to swim but it was cold and then we drove home and got a wonderful curry. Today I went to camp. In a few days I will be going over the rainbow on a bonding trip (a.k.a. I have no clue) and will not be able to post things but will give you the full scoop afterwords. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

one month

Been here one month.
Present: Camp has been good. Raining or drizzle today.
Past: Been to Native American Museum and Satan Island Yankees.
Future: going to somewhere on long island this weekend for a little trip to get away.
Apartment: haven't found one yet still looking moving into bigger one next month when my sis is here.
Funny moment: Today i was talking and instead of saying New York I said Seattle man I already forgotten (or I'm really tired )
That's the most resent things keep you updated.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Recent things that are going on.

Coming up to my second week in new york.
Last weekend i went to 2 different beaches which were both so awesome and so nice to swim in. I've been to the transit museum with the camp I'm at. That was really cool. I learned about old fashion trains. Also about a money trains which are yellow and black. They used to go round in the middle of the night and collect money because credit cards weren't invented and people used coins. The routes were kept very secret even the driver didn't know where they were going until the person sat down to drive. Also they looked like other types of work trains.For all the years they were in use the weren't robbed.
My mother is in England and returning tomorrow. That is all the news from Me!!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My New Home Sweet Home

Camp is done and over I'm now writing from NEW YORK and have just been looking at apartments. It is so hot it isn't funny. I 'm really tired from my travels and what not.

Monday, July 5, 2010

weather is good for camp

Oh my goodness it is going to be awesome weather at camp, can't wait! I'm going to tomorrow!!! On the 17Th at ten o'clock P.M. i leave Seattle. :( I had a lot of fun lighting fire works with my dad a p.c.. I'm sure to miss that place. Well I hope everyone has enjoyed my fav. holiday ever!! Off i go TO NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010



Friday, July 2, 2010

CAMP !!!!!!

I will not be able to post anything for the next two weeks because i will be at camp where there are no computers. So my life is getting busy. OH! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY.
PS. if you are living in England it's the U.S's Independence day.
PSS. I can't do white.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It has finally getting nice hopefully it will stay like this. It has been a really awful summer, but i believe it's been very nice in New York!!


I have this cut on my foot and I wanted to put some cream on it but, my mom had already packed it! I hate boxing up stuff it worse than cleaning my room Also,my room has like nothing in it so it kinda sucks!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I slept 12 hours last night. I hope i can get that much sleep all summer!!!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's summer!!!!

Hi, today was my first day of summer vacation and it was fabulous. It was sunny and nice. I went up to my old school with a friend and we help one of are old teacher move classrooms. It is about one month till my big move!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

5th grade recognition

HI here is my blog for when i live in new york. This was my 3rd to last day of school. My blog will officially start on Thursday.