Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I am at home with nothing to do right now....

Friday, June 10, 2011


Hey I just want to say a few thing
- My favorite quote but i don't know who and where the person said it "be yourself everybody else is taken" It cute and funny!
Now about my life.
1. I am dying in the heat.....way too hot here
2. i have a really ugly suntan.
3. I saw a really weird performance. (scaring)
4. i am going to see modern music/dance
5. i have a full house (whole family of 5 and a visitor)
6 g2g but keep enjoying the warm weather and summer

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


What is up world?
I am finals (well a final- math) and trimester tests. Lame stuff like that. Also it is all so sad all my friends are going to camp for the whole summer and i am going to miss them. I have been off in the Hampton bay looking for weekend places. We have seen some good ones. Weather is SOOOhot i might die. Okay 54 in the morning- jeans 70-80 in the afternoon- shorts. I have to bring pants to change i hate it so much. What else is new nothing much my sister is back from Peru and i am coming to Seattle soonish. What is up with your life i would love to get an email soon.

I have been eating on my deck.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Live is so hectic around here and i bet for all of you peeps out there.
Okay here is the deal about what has happened:
1. 12 and an ipad....(this happened forever ago)
2. Have been to a few awesome productions, A one man circus, I am going to see a comedy of errors by Shakespeare, and then the Scottish play....
3. Okay i was shopping today for summer clothes...Yes it is finally summer! Shorts, dresses, tees. My favs. But anyway i was in bloomies and my friends was there! How weird in the whole of new york i saw Her! Really funny. I got a tank and shorts that are connected which is SO cute. You are like what? How do you go to the bathroom? The same way as a swimsuit take most of it off. (not go in the ocean... you were thinking it.) I think you would like it.
4. Friday was so warm everyone except me (i didn't own any) were in shorts. Then we had a fire drill and we were in the shade and they were cold. But i was mad because some people were taking a math test. (LUCKY) I miss settle so much but i can't wait for the warm weather. To celebrate the warm weather we went to pinkberry (frozen yogurt....like shnoo only less expensive and better flavors. I just got off the bus hang with my friends. So much fun a perfect way to start break.
5. I have started my 2 week break and on Tuesday i go to Peru which i am so excited for. My sis is there. Can't wait. Although i was going to go to Egypt but then.....Look at the news! their revolution.
6. I got a hair cut...still long and golden (of course...well maybe not golden...)
7. I can't wait for school two months i don't go to school in June. Beach....camp..9degrees.8
8. enjoy spring.

Friday, January 21, 2011

School...more school

All i do is go to school. Hey Happy birthday to one of my bff's in Seattle. I have been chilling at home. It was a snow day. My 3rd or 4Th of the year. I have been sledding and can't wait 4 days until my birthday. I am having so much fun one of my friends are going to Sundance which is soooooooo cool. I have not have a full week of school since before break. Oh funny story. 6:20 my brother comes in You have a snow day. I check the web site i have a snow day. I get texts until 7 telling me to go to sleep but i can't because of my phone! I should have turned it off. I also went skiing up at killington which was so much fun. i went on a bus up there because it is 6 hours away and i had a blast. I mean the skiing was okay, i just had fun and it was nice being out of the city. They had an out door pool which was so much fun. So i would roll around in the snow and the jump into the pool. It was like polar bear at camp. Which brings me to, if any people want to know when i will be back in Seattle, then email me please. Also i miss Seattle but i am having so much fun here. All those people who said i would love NY. were right....to a certain extent. Well in Seattle it is not like you can get of the bus and go to pinkberry a frozen yogurt place, like shoo. it is all good. I have been so many plays as well. I saw nearly leer and circus act. My school is a having a SOUPER bowl....HA HA. It is kinda funny. Yeah it is getting late so i should go to bed. Hope all you people are well.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

School...more school

HAPPY NEW YEARS. 2011 wow. Only 20 days until u can guess..anyway enough about me more about school.
Okay so I want a snow day on Friday (I have a math quiz...every Friday for the next month). School is back same old same old you know get up get on bus go to school come home do homework go to bed and repeat till your out of school. That is it for the most part. Keep you posted on any new things happening.