Saturday, March 19, 2011


Live is so hectic around here and i bet for all of you peeps out there.
Okay here is the deal about what has happened:
1. 12 and an ipad....(this happened forever ago)
2. Have been to a few awesome productions, A one man circus, I am going to see a comedy of errors by Shakespeare, and then the Scottish play....
3. Okay i was shopping today for summer clothes...Yes it is finally summer! Shorts, dresses, tees. My favs. But anyway i was in bloomies and my friends was there! How weird in the whole of new york i saw Her! Really funny. I got a tank and shorts that are connected which is SO cute. You are like what? How do you go to the bathroom? The same way as a swimsuit take most of it off. (not go in the ocean... you were thinking it.) I think you would like it.
4. Friday was so warm everyone except me (i didn't own any) were in shorts. Then we had a fire drill and we were in the shade and they were cold. But i was mad because some people were taking a math test. (LUCKY) I miss settle so much but i can't wait for the warm weather. To celebrate the warm weather we went to pinkberry (frozen shnoo only less expensive and better flavors. I just got off the bus hang with my friends. So much fun a perfect way to start break.
5. I have started my 2 week break and on Tuesday i go to Peru which i am so excited for. My sis is there. Can't wait. Although i was going to go to Egypt but then.....Look at the news! their revolution.
6. I got a hair cut...still long and golden (of course...well maybe not golden...)
7. I can't wait for school two months i don't go to school in June.
8. enjoy spring.